Love Where You Live!

How to Love Where you Live, no matter what duty station!

Rule # 1: Live off Post

Yeah, so I'm biased. But REALLY! Live off post! It can be hard to love where you live when you're surrounded by military life ALL of the time.

It's almost like getting off work, then staying at work to eat, sleep, and socialize! Separation from that lifestyle is a very positive thing! You're reminded that there is more to live that the rigidity and structure (and drama?) of military life.

Living on post is sometimes required (like when you're overseas), but if that's the case, Rule # 3 is even more important!


Rule # 2: Own Two Vehicles

What's nice about living off post with only one vehicle!? Whether you're working or staying home with kiddos, having the freedom of your own vehicle to go to playdates, work, appointments, and more is priceless!

That independence is so important because our spouses' schedules are... inconsistent to say the least. Relying on them for transportation is a risky game. It makes it difficult to get out and enjoy where you live!


Rule # 3: Travel!

Get out of your house! It's really that simple. You can't say you hate living somewhere if you haven't truly experienced what that place offers! Try the food! Meet the locals! Go to the tourist spots nearby!

Do not under estimate how important this rule is! Getting out and experiencing your new "home" as often as possible will literally make or break your experience of that duty station. I have seen it time and time and time again.


Rule # 4: Check your Mindset

It's important to remember that this new home is temporary. You have the opportunity to either sit in your house on post in misery or get up, get out, and make the best out of where you live! It is truly up to you.

Fort Bragg isn't amazing (compared to Hawaii or Europe!), but we still love it here. Why? Because we go to the beach. We go to the mountains. We go to parks, zoos, and restaurants. We're engaged in our community.

We make it a priority to get out and enjoy our home. We save money to make it possible.


You have the power to LOVE where you LIVE! Get my kick butt Local Guide for our Fort Bragg area here!


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